Price Packages

A compelling pitch deck, business plan, and financial forecast are all essential tools.

PRICINGPick a plan that fits your needs

The best financial consulting firm you can count on!
  • Functional Strategy
  • Strategy & Operations
  • Corporate Strategy
  • Organisational Strategy
  • Business Model Transformation
per month
The best financial consulting firm you can count on!
  • Functional Strategy
  • Digital Strategy
  • Corporate Strategy
  • Organisational Strategy
  • Business Model Transformation
per month
The best financial consulting firm you can count on!
  • Company & Business Setup
  • Investment Management
  • Acquisition Consulting
  • Company Management
  • Private Placement Consulting
per month

Organizational design for business

We’re here to inform which tactics need funding and which are drainsome resources for your company and team.

STARTUP COACHINGStartup & Early Consulting Business Package

We're here to inform which tactics need funding and which are drainsom resources for your company and work.

Nifty team is a diverse network of consultants and industry professionals with a global mindset and a collaborative culture. We work to understand your issues and are driven to ask better questions in the pursuit of making your business work better.

Valuation Services
Development of Financial Models
Corporate Financial Advisory
Deal Structuring
Feasibility Studies & Business Plans
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